New Covenant Messianic Ministries International

The Restoration of 
the Messianic Israelite Faith

Declaring to the Nations 
the Gospel of the Kingdom of God 
the Message of the New Covenant

The Restoration of 
the Messianic Israelite Faith







Voice of Messiah Ministries

House of Israel
Fellowship (HOI)



General Statements of Faith
We believe that Elohim is One (Elohim echad). That His name is YHWH meaning the self existent one. That He is a composite oneness, eternally existent in the Father (HaAbba), the Son (HaBen) and the Holy Spirit (HaRuach HaKodesh). 
We believe in Yahshua (Jesus) the Messiah of Israel. That He is YHWH manifested in the flesh. That He is the Son of Elohim (Ben Elohim), the only begotten of the Father. The He is the Son of Man, born of a virgin, being fully human and fully divine, who was crucified, buried, resurrected on the third day, and has ascended to sit on the right hand of the Father. 

We believe in the Holy Spirit (HaRuach HaKodesh) - the Spirit of YHWH. That He is the promise of the Father sent by the request of Yahshua the Messiah to empower, comfort, teach, and guide in truth the New Covenant People of God. 

We believe in the Holy Scriptures according to II Tim. 3:16 that all scripture is given by the inspiration of Elohim (Elohim-breathed) and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness. Accepting the Books of Scripture used by the Messiah and the Shaliachim (Apostles) which are contained in the Septuagint, listed in the Apostolic Canons of the Ethiopic, and preserved in the Canon of the Ethiopian Orthodox Faith. The Hebrew Scriptures (Torah, Prophets and the Writings) and the Writings of the Apostles (Brit Chadashah/Renewed Covenant scriptures) as our rule of faith, practice, government and discipline. 

We believe that all men (male and female) are born in sin. 

We believe that salvation from sin has been provided for mankind through the redemptive work (death, burial and resurrection) of Yahshua the Messiah according to the grace of Elohim. 

We believe that salvation can be received by repentance from sin and faith in Yahshua the Messiah - acknowledging Him as one's Savior and Lord (Acts 2:38; 3:19; Romans 10:9-10). 

We believe in water baptism for the believer (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:28). 

We believe that it is essential that every believer receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit to be empowered for service (Acts 1:4-8). 

We believe that the lifestyle of the believer is faith and holiness motivated by love (Hebrews 10:38; ch. 11; 12:14). 

We believe that there is only one People of Elohim revealed in the scriptures as the following: Israel, Israel of Elohim, the body of Messiah (Christ) and the Congregation (ekklesia) of Elohim. That it is composed of “all people” (Isaiah 56:7-7); both Hebrew believers and believers formerly called Gentiles that are grafted into “the Olive tree” - Israel (Romans 11:17). That it is the will of Elohim for the Hebrew people that are unbelievers to be “grafted back in” to their Olive tree if they have faith in Yahshua as the Messiah (Romans 11:23-24). 

We believe that the People of Elohim are under the Renewed Covenant through Yahshua the Messiah. 

We believe in the unity (echad) of all believers in the Messiah (John ch. 17; Ephesians 4:3-5). 

We believe in the operation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the manifestation of miracles, signs and wonders. Also, that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are distributed to every believer according to the will of the Holy Spirit for the edification of the People of Elohim (I Corinthians ch. 12). 

We believe in the ministry leadership offices of the Shaliach/Apostle, Nevi/Prophet, Masoret/Evangelist, Roeh/Pastor and Moreh/Teacher (Ephesians 4:11-12). 

We believe that occupancy in the ministry leadership offices is not based upon gender or ethnicity, but based solely upon the call of God to use redeemed human beings in His service. Since the Torah is not gender exclusive pertaining to spiritual leadership, we believe any believer called of God can occupy the five-fold ministry offices. 

We believe in the observance and celebration of the Feasts of YHWH recognizing their significance and fulness in Yahshua the Messiah (Leviticus ch. 23; Colossians 2:16). 

We believe in the provision of divine healing through the shed blood of Yahshua the Messiah. That it is a covenant benefit for the believer. Also, that healing can be received by prayer and the laying on of hands (Deuteronomy 7:15; Isaiah 53:4-5; Mark 16:18; I Peter 2:24). 

We believe that the Shabbat (Sabbath), the seventh day of the week, is the created holy day of YHWH, which He gave to mankind and covenanted with His people as a sign forever. Also that the Shabbat points to the eternal rest for the people of Elohim to be fully realized in the visible kingdom of Messiah (Exodus 31:16; Genesis 2:2-3; Isaiah 58:13-14; Matthew 12:8; Hebrews 4:9-11). 

We believe in financial stewardship through practicing tithing and giving. That tithing continues under the Renewed covenant and is received by Yahshua the High Priest after the order of Melchizedek. In tithing we honor Elohim with the tenth of our substance. In giving we honor Elohim by sowing cheerfully into His kingdom and reaping from what has been sowed (Leviticus 27:30-32; Hebrews 7:7-8; Proverbs 3:9; II Corinthians 9:6-7). 

We believe that prosperity and good health is the will of Elohim for the believer (Deuteronomy 28:1-13; 3 John 2). 

We believe that the People of Elohim will be caught away in the clouds to meet Messiah in the air at his appearing (I Thessalonians 4:15-17). 

We believe in the pre-millennial second coming of Yahshua the Messiah (Revelation ch. 19 & 20). 

We believe in the resurrection of the righteous to everlasting life, and the resurrection of the unrighteous to everlasting punishment in the lake of fire (Daniel 12:2; Revelation ch. 20).

We believe in the use of the name of Elohim such as Yahweh, Yahwah and Yahuah. Also we accept the use of Yeshua and Yahshua for Messiah. Although we hold preference and promote the use of Messiah's original Hebrew name, we do not reject the use of his name translated from the Greek term "Iesous". We believe "Iesous" is the Greek transliteration for the Hebrew "Y'shua" in a Greek masculine form. We do not believe that "Iesous" is a pagan name.  

We believe in the divine institution of marriage exclusively between a biological man and a biological woman according to Genesis 2:23-24. 


One in Messiah


One in Messiah